Friday 15 August 2008

Doing the boxer beach

Caught underwears: Andy is snapped on a beach in Portugal with No 5. Click to enlarge.

At first glance, Andy seems like any other Portugeezer in the Algarve. But, wait. What's this? No swimming trunks? Just his regular boxer shorts? It sounds hard to believe, but that's exactly what he told me in an email today. In fact, I'll let him take up the story:

"We drove to an amazing beach two hours away from where we staying, only to realise that I’d somehow managed to leave my swim shorts behind, as well as a spare top to cover my sunburn. It was Sunday and all the shops were closed. So I had to spend the whole day in my boxers, trying to keep my white bits out of view, whilst schvitzing away wearing a navy t-shirt in the 35 degree heat."

Lucky, Andy, that you had a piece of branded headgear in that kind of heat. It must have helped minimise the schvitzing at least.

If you enlarge the picture and look beyond the rather fetching ladies sunbathing in the background, you'll see that the steps down to the beach haven't yet been completed. This fact wasn't, however, apparent from the top. I wonder how many damsels in distress needed rescuing half way down?

Location: The Algarve, Portugal
Date: 15th Aug 08
Hat No: 5
Status: Semi Wild

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